Benefits of Personal Accident Insurance

Benefits of Personal Accident Insurance

It costs

The plan does not cover: (a) suicide or any other unreasonable or unreasonable attempt; (b) damage caused by declared or undeclared war; (c) injury to a member of the armed forces while participating in any exercise or training; (d) loss during air travel (except as provided in the Coverage Section); (e) loss of the insured under the influence of a controlled substance, unless otherwise specified by a medical practitioner; (f) Bodily injuries caused by the insured while driving while intoxicated;

Amount of Assistance – Choose the coverage your family needs.

The sum assured that you choose is called the principal amount. You can choose the base price of the SIM in $10,000 increments from a minimum of $50,000 to a maximum of $750,000.

           Principal amounts in excess of $200,000 are subject to ten (10) times your annual salary.

If you opt for a family plan, spousal support will be 60% of the basic amount, and the benefit for each child (irrespective of the number) will be 20% of the basic amount.
Comment Insurance for your spouse and/or children cannot be purchased separately. Employee participation in the program is required to purchase coverage for eligible dependents.

Accidental death and some bodily injury

If, within 12 months of the date of the accident, you or your dependents suffer any of the following losses as a result of the injury, we will pay compensation:

Benefits of Personal Accident Insurance
Benefits of Personal Accident Insurance
  • The true currency of life
  • Both hands, both feet, or both eyes are real value.
  • SIM Manager is speaking and listening.
  • Hands, feet, eyes and half of the head
  • Half the original volume for talking or listening

    The thumb and forefinger of both hands is a quarter of the original value.

If you or your dependents suffer multiple losses due to an accident, only one benefit amount will be paid, which is your maximum. Damage to the arm, hand, leg, or foot An amputation at or above the wrist or ankle. Impairment of sight, speech or hearing means complete, permanent and permanent loss of sight, speech or hearing.

Insured persons above 70 years of age are covered in case of death and health loss is confirmed as per the following scheme.

  • Policyholders in the 70-74 age group receive 82.5% of the principal amount.
  • Insured persons in the age group of 75 to 79 years receive 57.5% of the basic sum assured.
  • Policyholders aged 80 to 84 years receive 37.5% of the sum assured.
  • Policyholders above 85 years of age receive 20.0% of the principal amount.

Total Disability Benefits

If your injuries cause total disability within 365 days of the date of the accident and continue for 12 consecutive months and are then medically confirmed to be permanent, we will refund your investment. . We pay the lowest amount. due or payable under the compensation section for loss caused by the same accident.

Benefits cease on the following dates: (a) on attaining the age of 70 years; (b) the date you left full-time employment in a paid activity or service; or (c) the date of termination of coverage for any reason.

Use a seat belt.

If you or your dependent suffers a covered injury that results in death, we’ll pay an additional $25,000 if you were the driver or passenger of a private passenger vehicle.Were The use of seat belts must be authorized by a doctor, investigator, traffic police inspector or other competent person.

Benefits of Education

If the dependent child was attending a 12-year college or university or an approved college or university on the date of the accident in which you died, we will pay you 5% of the original amount, up to $10,000 per child. up to. For each year of continuing education in a college or university for four consecutive years after completion of twelfth semester. If, at the time of this insured accident, there are dependent children under the policy or affidavit, but neither is entitled to child support, $5,000 will be paid to the named beneficiary.

Benefits of Survival Coaching for Couples

Benefits of Personal Accident Insurance
Benefits of Personal Accident Insurance

If you had family coverage and died as a result of the accident, we will cover your spouse for up to 54 months from the date of the accident or for a college or university or we pay the greater of the $5 license fee. will % of actual cost This benefit is payable provided that the spouse: (a) is registered for the purpose of obtaining maintenance or an independent source of maintenance; (b) successful completion of the program; and (c) hold a certificate or diploma at graduate level.

General assistance in accidents

If you and your spouse die in the same accident or within 24 hours of each other, your spouse’s basic amount is 100% of the basic amount.

Special discount

If you die as a result of an accident, coverage for all dependents without premium will continue unless one of the following events occurs first: (a) you Spouse’s date of remarriage; (b) Date of expiry of insurance. (c) the date on which an unmarried dependent child ceases to be entitled to benefits by reason of age or marriage; or (d) the last date of the 12-month payment period.

Assistance in case of work accident

If the insured is injured at work as a result of an accident resulting in a positive HIV and/or ARC test, we will pay the monthly premium for 24 months if the accident occurred during the insurance year. Is. Pays 1% of Sum Assured in installments up to a maximum of $5,000. Benefits cease at the end of the month in which the insured dies or on the date the benefits are paid, whichever is earlier.

Continuity of health insurance

If the insured’s spouse and/or surviving child chooses to continue health insurance under the Consolidated General Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) or another state continuation law, we pay the principal amount to the policyholder. will 3% of the amount provides an annual grant of $3,000 for three years.

Appearance and disappearance

Loss to the insured as a result of injury to the insured when exposed to adverse weather conditions during the insurance period. The insured dies if the covered vehicle derails, stops, sinks or overturns after the insured: (a) disappears; (b) his body was not found within 52 weeks of the accident; and (c) a valid death certificate issued by a court of competent jurisdiction

Other benefits

Hemiplegia, Paraplegia and Quadriplegia – Covered for all insured persons (including dependents). Hemi / Para / Quadriplegia (starting within 60 days of the event insured, continuing for one year) Paying 50%, 75% or 100% of the basic amount. (Only the amount specified in this document or the benefit in accordance with the specific rules for the loss of the card or, if you are an insured driver’s pension for total permanent disability, injury as a result of an accident, whichever is greater.)

Airbag Benefit Rider – Covered for all insured persons (including dependents). Coverage will pay $10,000 for auto accident injuries if the airbag safety system was present and working at the time of the crash.

Just a zombie accident. Coma Benefit – If the injury was treated by a legally qualified covered medical practitioner within 7 days of the injury, this benefit is 5% of the basic amount applicable after the 31st day of the month for a period of 20 months. Pays for unless the insured does. . Irreversible coma due to closed injury. Principal balance due to death.

Child benefit is included in a different form – only in the family plan. Non-contingent loss and distribution payments add up to 100% of the principal applied to the child.

Childcare is only included if children are insured. The insured pays 5% of the base amount, up to a maximum of $5,000, if the insured dies as a result of the accident during the accident (or within 90 days after the accident). $1,000 Replacement Allowance for Beneficiary in Absence of Eligible Child.

Covers payment for rehabilitation services for all insured persons. The insured pays up to 5% of $5,000 after a $250 deductible for loss of rehabilitation benefits up to 52 weeks from the date of the event (if the insured is totally disabled).

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